Monday, March 27, 2006


It's great that the kids are now feeling better. We had quite the weekend. We started on Saturday with a round of Play-Doh. It's a wonderful invention, seriously. The kids love it (although Aron believes the brown Play-Doh is called "poopy") but it sure does make an awful mess... and our dining room is carpeted.

In addition we went down two houses to visit Julia (4) and Avery (2) whom are fast becoming thee neighborhood friends. We started out the visit with Play-Doh, which was lots of fun and not my mess to clean up! At one point during the visit they decided to get all of Julia's princess outfits out and put them on. Here you see Aron as Snow White and Jordan as Belle. And although I missed it personally, I guess at one point they were all dancing in the living room to Brick House... which was quite a sight, I'm sure. I'll post the rest of the pictures in their 2006 photo album which you can get to from the site. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Funny Things Kids Say…

Thing 1 – Tonight Aron and Jordan were going on and on about how their “teeth hurt.”  This has been a nightly thing for a couple months now.  True, they were both teething their molars, but mostly they just like the Baby Orajel.  At first it was just that they wanted me to put it on their teeth.  Then it was they wanted it on their finger to put it on their own teeth (read: suck it off their finger).  And finally it’s gotten to where they want to open the thing themselves and basically suck the Orajel directly into their mouth.  

So tonight I decided there needed to be kibosh put on the whole thing.  I was talking to Aron and asking him what might help his “teeth hurt.”  And at one point I said, “What would make your teeth feel better?”  And he promptly responded, “CAKE!!!”

Thing 2 – A month or so ago Aron started kind of punching me in the breast and asking “Mama, what’s that?”  To which I responded “Mama’s boobies.”  (Yes, technical term, I’m aware.)  Anyway, his response was, “I count Mama’s boobies… one… two… THREE!”  So apparently I now have three breasts.  

Oh the funny things kids say.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Getting Over the Hump

For the past month (or so) at least one, if not all of us has been ill (including Mom and Dad).  Finally we are all on the mend, which is a wonderful feeling.  Aron finished up his 10 days of Amoxicillin today and Jordan’s last dose is tomorrow morning.  They had strep, but fortunately they didn’t share that with anyone else.  They are both teething and I swear there is a link.  

Spring is just on the verge of breaking through.  Today is absolutely gorgeous, but it’s like 35 degrees outside, and add the wind to that and you’ve got a frickin’ COLD day.  But it’s nearly here, and for that I’m grateful.  

We are going through the “My Turn” part of the “terrible twos.”  Both Jordan and Aron are very interested in helping whenever they can, doing everything they are capable of all by themselves, and generally letting it be known that they are independent, thank you very much… except of course when they want to sit in mama’s lap, which can be every other second.  

Eric is out of town this weekend, which is making for an interesting time.  I’m getting a lot done in the house, and I’ve decided God invented the iPod specifically so that I can do housework.  Nothing like listening to Harry Potter while I’m scrubbing toilets!  

Speaking of God, last weekend I debuted as a cantor/assisting minister for church.  It was quite enjoyable and many people gave me wonderful praise after the service.  I’ll be doing it again at the end of April.

Well, I guess that’s the update for now.  It’s time to get back to the cleaning.  I’d love to hear from you all!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

So it starts...

So it starts…

Every year about this time I start my quest for pledges for the Annual MS Walk.  This year, however, I’m committed to raising $250.  So if you know me, you WILL be getting a request to sponsor me (or Aron or Jordan, your choice).  You never know until you ask, so I’m asking “Will you sponsor me?”

You should know by now that I do this every year.  One of my co-workers has MS and our company has a team in the event every year.  Last year we got beat out by a team that raised over $15,000 and this year is going for $20,000.  That’s just get’s my competitive juices flowing!  

It’s for a wonderful cause.  And even if you can only sponsor $5 (which is about all I can do myself) every $5 helps!  You can pledge in one of two ways.

  1. If you are internet happy (which I am) you can go to our pledge site and sponsor us.  click here!

  2. If you prefer to write a check, you can mail it to:

2312 Foxfire Drive
South Bend, IN  46628

Thank you so much for your support, we really appreciate it.  (EVERY LITTLE CONTRIBUTION HELPS!!!)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sunday Night

Well, it’s Sunday night, which means the end of another busy weekend and the start of another busy week.  No rest for the… mom, I think the cliché should say.  

This morning at church we were accepted as new members.  This was an interesting adventure with two toddlers.  Make no mistake, everyone now knows “the Stewarts”.  We were to join the pastor up front after the hymn of the day, which follows the sermon.  So during the song, I slipped out of the choir loft, went to the nursery and gathered my family.  Then after the hymn finished we joined another family up front to do our little “I do” response to the question posed.  The way it was worked out we were to stay up there for that little bit, the responsive reading of the creed and the prayers for the church.  Finally we did another little “I do, and I ask God to help and guide me” response and then we were ‘presented’ to the congregation with a “welcome.”  

First of all, when we walked into the sanctuary and the song finished, Aron shouts “PAPA!!!  LOOK!! RIGHT THERE, MAMA!!!”  Because my dad was up in the choir loft.  Then, during the prayers, my children decided they had no interest in waiting quietly in our arms while the pastor and the assisting minister prayed and the congregation responded.  Nope.  Jordan, who was first in her father’s arms, needed to get down.  I had my foot on the bottom step of the alter because Aron was getting heavy in my arms, so I had him sitting on my leg.  She got down and put her foot on the bottom step… just like Mama!  Then, of course, Aron wanted to get down like Jordan.  Eric took Aron and Jordan sat down on the step and slapped her lap like “okay, this is good.”  Which it was, for about a second and a half.  Then she scooted up another step, and finally to the top step.  At this point the only thing to do was let Aron down, I mean the whole church is praying!  We were going for quiet here.  So they both are crawling up and down the three little steps.  And at one point, Aron took off around the back of the alter while Eric raced after him (cracking up, I might add, he’s not a lot of help.)

Shortly after that it mercifully ended and we were permitted to leave.  By this time they were both very loud, fortunately this was the “passing of the Peace” section, so everyone was talking.  The thing is, the choir sings immediately following the passing of the peace, while the offering is collected.  So I rushed back with Eric to drop the kids off at the nursery and then rushed back to the choir loft so I could sing.  But I was late, and everyone was waiting for me.  One would think I LIKE drawing attention to myself.

Following the service, several members came up and A) welcomed me to the church and B) sympathized with me and having small children and C) shared their mirth.  So if nothing else, we provided a little levity to the service.  However, this being Lent, I don’t think levity is really want everyone is looking for.

Tonight I started a small group with the church wherein we are discussing a book during the season of LENT.  I arrived (as usual) a couple minutes late.  I saw a group gathering in the Fellowship Hall and assumed that to be my group.  I was not, however.  It was the wrap up of the church council meeting.  The pastor said “and I’d like to introduce Rikka Stewart” to which I responded “I think I’m in the wrong place.”  I was redirected and I parted with a “I guess I just feel like making myself KNOWN today!” to which everyone laughed and I got a “You did very well this morning.” of encouragement.  

All in all, not a bad day.  One more to record in the life with twin two-year-olds.  Ain’t life fun!!!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Caught UP!

I’m starting to get “caught up” if there is such a thing in this life of parenthood.  At work I’m studying for the Series 7 exam, which is not exactly fun, or even interesting, but I’m about one third of the way through the studying and not doing badly.  

The family seems to finally be getting well.  I ended up with an ear infection/sinus infection.  I totally have sympathy for any child (including my daughter) who’s had an ear infection.  MY GOD is that painful!!!

This weekend we are joining the church that we’ve been attending since my parents moved here.  The kids love Sandy, the nursery attendant.  They spend Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings with her.  

I’m really enjoying singing in the choir with my dad.  Next weekend I start being a cantor and assisting minister as well. I think I’ll really enjoy that role as well.  I’ve even joined a small group to discuss a book during Lent.  

Life is pretty good for us.  We’d really like to hear from all of you.  Tell us what’s going in your life.