Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Funny Things Kids Say…

Thing 1 – Tonight Aron and Jordan were going on and on about how their “teeth hurt.”  This has been a nightly thing for a couple months now.  True, they were both teething their molars, but mostly they just like the Baby Orajel.  At first it was just that they wanted me to put it on their teeth.  Then it was they wanted it on their finger to put it on their own teeth (read: suck it off their finger).  And finally it’s gotten to where they want to open the thing themselves and basically suck the Orajel directly into their mouth.  

So tonight I decided there needed to be kibosh put on the whole thing.  I was talking to Aron and asking him what might help his “teeth hurt.”  And at one point I said, “What would make your teeth feel better?”  And he promptly responded, “CAKE!!!”

Thing 2 – A month or so ago Aron started kind of punching me in the breast and asking “Mama, what’s that?”  To which I responded “Mama’s boobies.”  (Yes, technical term, I’m aware.)  Anyway, his response was, “I count Mama’s boobies… one… two… THREE!”  So apparently I now have three breasts.  

Oh the funny things kids say.

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