Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Healy Spirit Project

This year my bosses gave each of us employees $100 to do "something good" with. 
It took a little thought and discussion to decide how to spend this money; what would actually do some good?  So I went though a few ideas with the kids and we settled on this idea:  Homeless Care Packages
 So we had $100 and some items already in our house: snacks, protein drinks, Ziploc bags, vitamins, toothbrushes, feminine hygiene products, cough drops...  Next we went to HyVee to return the cans, adding those funds (a little over $5) to our total. 

Then we went to the Dollar Store to see how far we could stretch $100.  The idea was to make 10 bags. 
At the Dollar Store we found hats, gloves, socks, lip balm, toothpaste, bottles of water, tissues, hand wipes.
After the Dollar Store we had $57 left.  So we went to Subway to purchase 10 $6 gift cards, figuring that would at least buy one meal for an individual. 
Finally we wrote a card/note that says "We are sorry you are down on your luck.  We hope this bag will bring you a little comfort and a meal.  Happy Holidays.  The Stewarts"

So now we have them in our car ready to give to anyone we see panhandling as we drive around town. 
Thank You Healy Group for your generosity and your encouragement to your employees to also be generous.