Saturday, March 18, 2006

Getting Over the Hump

For the past month (or so) at least one, if not all of us has been ill (including Mom and Dad).  Finally we are all on the mend, which is a wonderful feeling.  Aron finished up his 10 days of Amoxicillin today and Jordan’s last dose is tomorrow morning.  They had strep, but fortunately they didn’t share that with anyone else.  They are both teething and I swear there is a link.  

Spring is just on the verge of breaking through.  Today is absolutely gorgeous, but it’s like 35 degrees outside, and add the wind to that and you’ve got a frickin’ COLD day.  But it’s nearly here, and for that I’m grateful.  

We are going through the “My Turn” part of the “terrible twos.”  Both Jordan and Aron are very interested in helping whenever they can, doing everything they are capable of all by themselves, and generally letting it be known that they are independent, thank you very much… except of course when they want to sit in mama’s lap, which can be every other second.  

Eric is out of town this weekend, which is making for an interesting time.  I’m getting a lot done in the house, and I’ve decided God invented the iPod specifically so that I can do housework.  Nothing like listening to Harry Potter while I’m scrubbing toilets!  

Speaking of God, last weekend I debuted as a cantor/assisting minister for church.  It was quite enjoyable and many people gave me wonderful praise after the service.  I’ll be doing it again at the end of April.

Well, I guess that’s the update for now.  It’s time to get back to the cleaning.  I’d love to hear from you all!

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